Saturday, September 1, 2012


Allow me to first emphasis the fact that this blog is just my imagination of what a perfect world may be. It's completely fiction so please read for enjoyment only.

One fine sunny day, I was reading the papers & I noted a few headlines talking about low birthrates, the world might face food shortage by 2050, unproportional distribution of occupations... etc. None of the news seems like a good news. That got me thinking, the world is always unbalanced. When the industrial era, there are a huge shortage of engineers, during the IT era, there are a huge shortage of IT professional. Honestly if you asked me, I don't know what will be the next era & what type of experts we need. Population is in an all time high... yet, government from different countries claimed that the birthrate in their country is way below their expectation. Seems so irony.

After reading all these, a crazy thought came to me & I started illustrating it to my so call... Simply Perfect World. In this Perfect World, there will be a constant balance of population across the world. In this perfect world, there will be a balance distribution of sex & no one will be out of job. Illness will be a past & there is no such thing as epidemic. No war will break out. No shortage of food & water. The world will be balanced. A balance world is a perfect world.

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